Wednesday, August 29

Open your mind and question things.

Forget what you think for a moment - open your mind and give this a read. They are just words - they won't hurt you.

I'm watching the RNC coverage and just can't believe an entire party continues to repeat and cheer absolute lies. The first one being that Obama is removing the work requirement from Welfare. Total bullshit to anyone who can read and understand basic logic (and I'm happy to cite and show proof to anyone interested - which is something they can't offer you because they're lying).

Secondly, the President "stealing" 716 billion from Medicare. First of all - steal? - is that because he's a black President and all black people steal? The laughable part of this lie is that the 716 billion is taken from the payee side - agreed to by the hospitals and insurance companies in an effort to reduce fraud, abuse and waste on the billing side. Isn't that the freakin' goal - REDUCING COSTS WITHOUT REDUCING BENEFITS? Ryan on the other hand - "steals" 724 billion from the PATIENT and CARE side of Medicare to pay for tax cuts. Tax cuts for the middle class who need it the most you ask? Nope - for the rich. For himself. For Romney.

The 3rd lie is a good one - it's a group of phrases that republicans use to explain why jobs aren't being created. The mantra goes something like, "we need to put certainty into the tax code, reduce taxes for the job creators, and get government regulations off of the backs of small business." First of all - the tax code has existed in some form for all of our lives and business has always found a way to function. Is GE not hiring because they somehow need to pay less than ZERO PERCENT in taxes? Secondly - reduce taxes on the Job Creators? I am a job creator. What makes me hire people or not hire people? DEMAND If people want what I am making and I can't make it fast enough - I hire people. The kicker is the fact that while the economy seems bad - the stock market is at a 4 year high. Many companies including my own are making record profits. But - because we've had to find ways to be more efficient and cost effective - many companies have found ways to stay small and not rehire as many people. The problem with this greedy tactic of maximize profits is that unemployment will stay high and the customer base that feeds those profits will shrink. Finally, the next time you hear "we need to get the Obama regulations off of the backs of small businesses" - simply ask them, "What regulations are you speaking of?" They won't have an answer - because tax cuts are about the only thing Obama has done to small business. Don't accept "ObamaCare" for an answer because nothing in that bill has in any way been negative or costly to small businesses. I can prove that and they cannot prove the contrary.

Lie No. 4 - This whole "we built it" crap would be laughable if it weren't so sad - on many levels. First of all - I was watching the speech and know what the President actually said. Anyone with basic logic skills and read or viewed the speech knows he was speaking of the infrastructure (i.e. roads, laws, internet, educational systems etc.). So the republicans are either dishonest, or stupid. Making it even more embarrassing for them is the fact that they are surrounded by the very proof of what the President was saying. Read this article that includes the text from the speech and see if you think it's been fairly characterized.

The convention itself used the following government funds:

City of Tampa: 3M for upgrades and improvements to the area for the convention
Convention Center: 86M of construction paid by Government funds
The RNC Convention itself: 68M in Presidential Election Campaign funds and Congressional Security Grants
Total = 157 Million Dollars.

Not to mention - how did all of these convention goers arrive in Tampa? The only way they did that themselves was if they walked through fields and waded across streams on foot. Otherwise they used the infrastructure the President was speaking of. So the signs all over the convention that say "We Built It" should be amended to say "We built it with a shitload of government money!" Why didn't Romney pay for it out of his pocket - since he is anti-government spending and he uses every tax shelter available to avoid paying into the very kitty that IS paying for the convention.

The really sad part is that the Party they are cheering for has decided that they are such a stupid group of people - that they said, "Hey, they're so stupid that we can just lie to them over and over and they'll never call us out. They're too dumb to actually go look and see if what we are saying is even true." See, if I hear that our President, whether I voted for him or not, has just said something so ignorant - I'm gonna check it out to make sure it's true. I did vote for this President and I did build a small business - so had I not actually seen the speech live on TV, I certainly would have looked it up to see if it was true because I would have to think twice before voting for him again.

But hey - if it sounds fair that working folks should pay taxes while Big Oil companies make record profits and literally pay ZERO in taxes - or if it sounds fair that Romney should be able  to get a $77,000 tax deduction for a fucking Dressage Horse while I struggle to figure out how to make sure my children have medical coverage (I'm pretty sure that 77,000 tax break would have taken care of at least a few children) - if that sounds fair then let's elect Romney. I have no problem with the rich - I will be rich someday - but I will never reach a mindset that says we should tax income that is worked for (in some cases very difficult, gritty, honorable work) at a higher rate than income that is earned by doing absolutely nothing.

Also sad is to hear that a group of politicians decided to intentionally derail my country and it's great democracy because it lost, and didn't like someone. A group of self-interested Republicans decided that for 4 years, they would ignore the American people's democratic election of a President. They would literally vote against the very ideas that they gave birth to, rather than allow the people's President to have success. If you give this enough thought, you'll likely realize that Mitch McConnell and the rest are nearly guilty of treason.

And finally - rape. Do I really need to say more?

So everyone please - just question what you hear. Flip the channel - look up facts from reliable, non-partisan sources. I'm not even convinced either candidate is the right choice - but I do like to be armed with the truth and facts before I come to that decision.


With a chest that feels lighter already - goodnight all.

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